On the Road, Sicilian-Style

Hey, all, Jamie & I are about halfway thru our trip, with a few hours to kill at Planeta's Foresteria Resort before heading into town for yet another stellar seafood meal. We hear Pittsburgh is having an early April cold snap, and it was a little chilly here near Menfi as well — down to about 68°, though it felt cooler with the constant breeze off the Med.

We'll be on Mt. Etna by end of week, with stops in and around Cerasuola di Vittoria and Noto along the way, but our visits to Abbazia Santa Anastasia and Planeta have already given us plenty to chew on, figuratively and otherwise. There's palpable excitement about the wine scene here, the people are incredibly generous, and the food is, well, otherworldly. We can't wait to tell you all about it!

— John